Thursday, November 3, 2011


As some of you may know, last week we had our Big/Little reveal! And though this is not a tradition that can be continued, it was an awesome experience for all :) And now, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce our newly expanded families!

 Ashby Family: Sarah and Jenna

 Huff Family: Jenn, Lauren, and Taylor

Wilson Family: Brittany, Ginger, Rachel, and Hannah

 Hixson Family: Jess (Hannah is fostering her as a little)

 Young Family: Stephanie (myself) and Hannah

 Korovesis Family: Brookeneil, Katelyn, Courtney, Stephanie, and Nicole

 Harvey Family: Mina, Beth, and Lauren

Carden Family: Kristen, Kirsten, Brandi, Leslie, and Nancy

It brings us so much joy to welcome the Deltas into their respective families! We cannot wait to see them grow through their candidate process and hopefully as a part of our sisterhood in the future :)

Dove love!

Sister of the month: October

Sister of the month for October 2011 was our lovely Jenna Fisher!
Jenna puts her whole heart into everything she does for our chapter, and it has certainly not gone unnoticed! We love you Jenna! And we appreciate everything you contribute to our sisterhood :)

Dove love!