Saturday, September 25, 2010

Themed Family Dinner and Carwash

Our first social event with the Gamma class was a themed family dinner. The theme was to dress up like your family symbol (i.e. red ruby slippers, ladybugs, anchors, etc.) Here are just a few of Jenn's photos:

Jenn and Taylor from the Huff family--Anchors

Kari and Jenna from the Ashby family--Ladybugs!

We also held our first fundraiser this semester on Saturday...we had a Car wash! 

A special thanks to all of the Alum who gave their support--financial, emotional, spiritual and/or physical! We really do appreciate you and all you do!

Just a reminder to Alum and Sisters alike, there will be a Family Dinner at Festival EVERY Sunday at 5pm before our Business Meetings which are held at 6pm in HHS. Contact a Sister for the room #. 

God Bless. 

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

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