Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello there!

As you probably know, committees just got rearranged for the new semester {or rather, the committee members did}. The new Alumni Committee members are as follows:
Jenna Fisher

So, we will be the ones filling you girls in {via email, blog, newsletter, etc.} on whats going on around here :) As I'm sure you noticed, though, the three of us are Gammas; many of you probably have no idea who we are. But never fret! Taylor had a great idea so that the Alum could get to know each of the Gammas a little better :) So stay tuned! We look forward to communicating with you all!

Dove Love!

P.S.- I am an avid blogger, so I may be updating rather frequently! Also, if you wish to follow Taylor or I's personal blogs, just click on the hyperlinks/our names :)

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