Monday, February 28, 2011

Surprise guest!

Yesterday, at our business meeting, we were all surprised with a visit from the lovely Brett Wilson!
{Photo cred: Hannah!}

It was so nice to see her! (Or, in the Gammas' case, meet her! Haha.)

Alum, we love seeing you around here! Let me know when any of you are coming by JMU and we'll try to arrange a group dinner or something of that sort!

Also, I want to apologize for the lack of posts. Totally my bad! Here are some things that have gone on in February:

Service Week! Events included:

  • Collecting canned food for Our Community Place.
  • Delivering handmade Valentine's cards to Sunny Side Retirement Home.
  • Handing out hershey kisses with attached bible verses in the library and on the quad.
  • Posting positive sticky notes in the buildings of JMU.
  • Collecting items to to donate to CCN and Mercy House.
Lots of socials!
  • Super Bowl party.
  • Valentine making with Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, the Jewish sorority.
  • Valentine exchange party!
  • Tangled!
  • Family Dinner at Festival :)
Also, we have had so many incredible worship, Bible study, and prayer nights! (Mass kudos to Christian Relations and Bible Study committee!) Seriously, they are on their A-game!

And in case you all were wondering, I will fill you in on the Sister-of-the-Month for January and February!
January: Lauren Rollins!
February: Stephanie Cancro!

So proud of them :)

This first part of the semester has been awesome! I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for the upcoming months! I love you all! God bless!

1 comment:

Brett W. Tubbs said...

So great seeing you girls and meeting my new sisters!

Thanks for the update!