Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Retreat 2011

Our theme for the weekend:

"And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
{Matthew 4:19}

As you may have concluded, last weekend was our Spring Retreat. Katelyn and her family graciously opened up their house at Lake Anna to us :) This was a lovely time to further our bond as sisters while also drawing nearer to our Father :) In addition to crazy games of fishbowl, psychiatrist, and things of that nature, we also had a chance to reflect on scripture and discuss how we can be "fishermen" in the JMU/Harrisonburg community. God commands us to spread His gospel and be a light for those who have yet to establish a relationship with Him. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it was so encouraging to hear girls share stories about how they have been able to share their faith with others (whether via, SAO, another ministry, or on an individual basis). You girls are so incredible and inspiring, and I cannot wait for us to take this message and put it into practice as a sisterhood :)

{Photo credit: Hannah Harrison}

Dove Love!

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